We're innocently standing by, watching people lose their lives, It seems as if we had no voice, It's time for us to make a choice, Only god could decide, Who will live and who will die,....is my brother...oh no....Just let god decide......Why did you do it ?...oh,no,no,no...

We've had enough, MJ

luni, 10 octombrie 2011

Dr. Conrad Murray Explosive Interview with Police The Blow-by-Blow

Dr. Conrad Murray
Explosive Interview with Police
The Blow-by-Blow

“I have to sleep, Dr. Conrad, I have these rehearsals to perform.” That’s what Dr. Conrad Murray told investigators Michael Jackson said to him in the early morning hours of June 25th, 2009. Hours later, Jackson was dead.

In what's been the most anticipated evidence in the trial, the prosecution played the jury Dr. Murray's 2-hour interview with LAPD detectives, recorded 2 days after MJ died.

Murray told detectives he arrived at Jackson’s rented mansion at 12:50 AM on June 25, and headed straight to Michael’s room to wait for him to come home after rehearsals. According to Murray, Jackson arrived at 1:05 am saying he was tired and fatigued. Murray rubbed a cream on Michael’s body to treat his Vitiligo ... then gave Michael a 10 mg Valium pill. Michael couldn’t sleep, so Murray says he then gave him 2 mg of the anti-anxiety drug, Lorazepam.

Jackson complained he still couldn’t fall asleep, so Murray gave him 2 mg of the sedative Midazolam around 2am. MJ remained awake. Dr. Murray said he suggested turning down the music in the room ... and meditation. Murray said Michael “reluctantly" closed his eyes, finally dozing off around 3:15 am, only to reawaken at 4:00 am.

At 4:30 am Murray said Michael said, “I have to sleep, Dr. Conrad, I have to sleep." Murray gave MJ another 2 mg of Lorazepam. Again, according to Dr. Murray, Michael couldn’t sleep. Jackson was still wide awake at 7:30 am, so Dr. Murray administered another 2 mg of Midazolam, yet Michael remained awake and complaining that he was going to have to cancel the “This is It” tour.

Murray said Michael began to beg for his “milk,” the slang for Propofol. Murray agreed to give him 25 mg of the powerful sedative around 10:50 am, slowly infused over 3 to 4 minutes. Murray said Michael finally fell asleep around 11 am.

Dr. Murray said he monitored Michael long enough until he felt comfortable to leave the room, that’s when Murray told the detectives that he went to the bathroom and was gone for about two minutes.

Murray said when he came back, he found Michael not breathing with an accelerated pulse. Murray said he began mouth to mouth on Michael, and then chest compressions with one hand. Murray said he couldn’t take Michael off the bed to a harder surface, so he improvised by placing his left hand under the body. Murray said while he was giving compressions, he called MJ’s assistant on his cell. He said didn’t ask the assistant to call 911 because he was busy giving CPR. Murray also told detectives he didn’t call 9-1-1 himself because he didn’t know the zip code for Michael’s house.

Dr. Murray said he lifted Michael’s legs in the air to get more blood flowing to his heart. Murray told detectives that he then went downstairs to ask Michael’s chef to get security, who called 9-1-1. Murray continued CPR until the paramedics arrived and hooked Jackson up to a pulse oximeter and got him intubated.

Murray told detectives paramedics were talking to UCLA medical center and ready to give up, but he begged them to transfer care to him because Michael was his friend. Murray rode with Michael in the ambulance to UCLA, where Murray said they worked on Michael for about an hour.

After Michael was gone, the ER doctor asked Murray what happened, and he told her that maybe it was a massive pulmonary embolism. Murray told detectives he didn’t sign the death certificate because he didn’t understand the cause of death.

As far as Michael’s use of drugs, Murray told detectives he was surprised at Michael’s knowledge about all the different pills and medications he took. Murray said he first learned that Michael used Propofol when he asked Dr. Murray to help him get the drug. Murray said that Michael gave him the number of another doctor who would be able to provide it to him. In the interview, Murray said he called the other doctor, who said, “Michael loves that drug.”

Murray said he gave Michael Propofol every night for 30 days, except for three when he was trying to “wean him off.” Murray insisted that in the three days before Michael’s death he was trying to wean him off “milk,” giving MJ more Lorazepam and Diazepam to bring down the Propofol. Murray said two nights before MJ’s death, he had given him no Propofol and thought he was “onto something.”

The next night, that wasn’t the case.

Massive Inconsistency In Murray's Story

Dr. Conrad Murray's interview with LAPD detectives reveals a huge inconsistency that could weigh heavily with the jury.

In the tape, Dr. Murray says he left Michael Jackson's room for only 2 minutes to go to the bathroom, and when he came back Michael Jackson was not breathing. Murray says he immediately began performing CPR.

But according to Sade Anding, Murray's Houston girlfriend who was on the phone with Murray, she says she was talking to him for a while when suddenly it appeared Murray dropped the phone and the emergency commenced.

So now there are competing stories -- Either Murray went to the bathroom as he told cops, or he was on the phone -- possibly distracted. If jurors believe Anding and the phone records, they could easily conclude Murray lied to cops.

What the Jury Hasn't Heard ...

The jury only heard half of Dr. Conrad Murray's dramatic 2-hour interview with police today -- in which Murray admitted he pumped Michael Jackson full of sedatives before he died -- and now, here's the other half ... you have to read it to believe it.

Among the highlights ...

-- Murray details an emotional encounter with Katherine Jackson just moments after she hears the news -- she asks him if he knows how Michael died. Murray says he doesn't.
-- Murray claims Joe Jackson never showed up at the hospital the day MJ died.
-- And ... Murray explains why security cameras caught him exiting the hospital at 4:30PM.

The jury will hear the remainder of the recording when the trial resumes on Tuesday.

Source: TMZ

miercuri, 5 octombrie 2011

Procesul mortii megastarului Michael Jackson

            Procesul Dr. Conrad Murray continua, în a doua saptamâna.
 Luni 3 octombrie, medicul acuzat de uciderea din culpa a pacientului Michael Jackson, a  ascultat noile marturii depuse la bara, in fata  Curtii Superioare din Los Angeles, noi martori si parti interesate venind sa lamureasca circumstantele mortii Regelui  Pop  in 25 iunie 2009, datorita unei  supradoze de medicamente.
In conformitate cu ipoteza avocatilor Dr. Murray, care spune ca Michael Jackson însusi si- ar fi administrat supradoza  de propofol, care i- ar fi cauzat moartea,  RadarOnline spune ca LAPD  pur si simplu nu a gasit amprentele lui  Michael Jackson pe flacoanele de  Lorazepam sau Propofol. Nu a fost gasita nici macar o amprenta partiala a lui  Michael sau  vreo alta amprenta de origine necunoscuta .

Medicul de urgenta, Richelle Cooper, care a declarat  vineri, ca Michael Jackson era in "moarte clinica", la sosirea  la UCLA, a explicat modul în care s-au intamplat lucrurile.

Dr. Cooper a spus ca, în opinia sa, eforturile de a-l readuce la viata pe MJ în spital au fost "inutile".
"Evaluarea mea, atunci cand (Michael Jackson) a sosit, a fost faptul ca el era în moarte clinica Si aceasta  de aproximativ o ora (de cand incetase sa mai respire), eforturile de resuscitare au fost, probabil, în zadar.."

Moartea a superstarului a fost pronuntata la 2:26 ora locala.

Medicul de urgenta a fost în contact telefonic cu echipa de salvare care a a fost chemata de urgenta la domiciliul lui Michael Jackson, dimineata tarziu. Ea a spus instantei ca  era gata sa pronunte ora  mortii de la 12:57, din informatiile furnizate de catre paramedici, dar ca dr. Conrad Murray a insistat ca superstarul sa fie dus la spital.

Dupa declararea oficiala a mortii, Dr. Cooper a mers sa viziteze copiii lui Michael Jackson, Prince, Paris si Blanket.
 "Ei plangeau,  in mod isteric, dar erau consolati de  catre o persoana descrisa ca fiind  dadaca lor."

Dr. Cooper si paramedicii au spus instantei ca dr. Conrad Murray nu le-a spus dupa sosirea lor la domiciliul superstarului,  ca a administrat pacientului propofol , anestezic puternic care la ucis pe Michael Jackson, în pofida întrebarilor repetate referitoare la ce medicamente a administrat pacientului.

Asta  va conta mai mult probabil, pentru ca medicul sa ia peste patru ani de închisoare.

A urmat apoi Dr. Nguyen Thao, un cardiolog de la Ronald Reagan UCLA Medical Center, pentru a depune marturie.
Ea a spus ca dr. Conrad Murray era incapabil sa dea o estimare a timpului scurs între momentul in care inima cantaretului a încetat sa mai bata si sosirea sa la spital, ceea ce era totusi esential in incercarea de a-l salva.
" El nu avea notiunea timpului, pentru ca spunea, nu purta ceas . Nebun ! "
Mesajul pe care Dr. Nguyen Thao doreste sa-l transmita este ca Michael Jackson ar fi putut fi salvat!
Cardiologul a a spus ca dr Murray nu isi putea aminti la ce ora i-a administrat Lorazepam sau la ce ora pacientul a incetat sa mai respire. Ea explica " nu a fost un caz in care medicul nu a facut ce trebuia sa faca, ci un caz in care ceea ce trebuia sa faca , nu a facut suficient de repede ! "

Ultima marturie a fost cea a Dr.Joanne Pashardes, care lucreaza in Houston,
si care a mentionat ca in cursul diminetii cand discutase cu Dr. Murray despre un alt pacient comun care suportase o interventie chirurgicala de curand, Dr. Murray totusi, isi amintise informatii detaliate  despre acesta.

 Sa fie vorba despre o presiune mai mare cand vine vorba despre Michael Jackson ?? Desigur !
In orice caz , Dr. Murray pledeaza nevinovat.