We're innocently standing by, watching people lose their lives, It seems as if we had no voice, It's time for us to make a choice, Only god could decide, Who will live and who will die,....is my brother...oh no....Just let god decide......Why did you do it ?...oh,no,no,no...

We've had enough, MJ

miercuri, 24 noiembrie 2010


She's there just sitting at the table
Thinking out that things won't be the same
And wouldn't you like to go with me
...And she answered "no" to me
But I guess I learned my lesson much too soon

I never thought she'd leave me here forever
But who knows just what the future brings
And wouldn't you like to go with me
And she answered "no" to me
But I guess I learned my lesson much too soon

Take away this never ending sorrow
Take this lonely feeling from my soul
If only I knew what things bring tomorrow
She'd be sitting here beside me
And my heart....go......

I hope to make a change now for the better
Never letting fate control my soul
And I'm hoping that my prayers will see
The day that she'll come back to me
But I guess I learned my lesson much too soon

Yes, I guess I learned my lesson much too soon.

Ea e acolo stand la masa,
Gandindu-se ca lucrurile nu vor mai fi la fel,
Nedorind sa mearga cu mine
Si raspunzandu-mi "NU"
Dar cred ca mi-am invatat lectia prea curand..

Nu am crezut vreodata ca nu ma va urma,
Dar cine stie ce aduce viitorul ?
Ea nedorind sa mearga cu mine
Si raspunzandu-mi "Nu "
Dar cred ca totusi mi-am invatat lectia prea curand

Ia-mi aceasta durere fara sfarsit,
Ia-mi acesta singuratate din suflet,
Daca as fi stiut ce-mi va aduce ziua de maine,
Ea ar fi fost acum aici cu mine,
Si inima mea...

Sper intr-o schimbare spre mai bine,
Niciodata nu voi mai lasa soarta sa imi controleze sufletul,
Sper ca rugile sa-mi fie ascultate,
Si sa vina ziua cand ea va fi iar langa mine,
Dar tot cred ca mi-am invatat lectia prea curand...

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