She's there just sitting at the table
Thinking out that things won't be the same
And wouldn't you like to go with me
...And she answered "no" to me
But I guess I learned my lesson much too soon
I never thought she'd leave me here forever
But who knows just what the future brings
And wouldn't you like to go with me
And she answered "no" to me
But I guess I learned my lesson much too soon
Take away this never ending sorrow
Take this lonely feeling from my soul
If only I knew what things bring tomorrow
She'd be sitting here beside me
And my heart....go......
I hope to make a change now for the better
Never letting fate control my soul
And I'm hoping that my prayers will see
The day that she'll come back to me
But I guess I learned my lesson much too soon
Yes, I guess I learned my lesson much too soon.
Ea e acolo stand la masa,
Gandindu-se ca lucrurile nu vor mai fi la fel,
Nedorind sa mearga cu mine
Si raspunzandu-mi "NU"
Dar cred ca mi-am invatat lectia prea curand..
Nu am crezut vreodata ca nu ma va urma,
Dar cine stie ce aduce viitorul ?
Ea nedorind sa mearga cu mine
Si raspunzandu-mi "Nu "
Dar cred ca totusi mi-am invatat lectia prea curand
Ia-mi aceasta durere fara sfarsit,
Ia-mi acesta singuratate din suflet,
Daca as fi stiut ce-mi va aduce ziua de maine,
Ea ar fi fost acum aici cu mine,
Si inima mea...
Sper intr-o schimbare spre mai bine,
Niciodata nu voi mai lasa soarta sa imi controleze sufletul,
Sper ca rugile sa-mi fie ascultate,
Si sa vina ziua cand ea va fi iar langa mine,
Dar tot cred ca mi-am invatat lectia prea curand...
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