We're innocently standing by, watching people lose their lives, It seems as if we had no voice, It's time for us to make a choice, Only god could decide, Who will live and who will die,....is my brother...oh no....Just let god decide......Why did you do it ?...oh,no,no,no...

We've had enough, MJ

marți, 23 februarie 2010


Dupa atentatele din 11 sept 2001 , Michael Jackson a inregistrat What more Can I Give, cantec pe care-l compusese cu un an in urma. In 21 octombrie acelasi an a organizat pe un stadion din Washington, concertul "United We Stand " in scop umanitar si ca un indemn la solidaritate si unitate in fata terorismului mondial. Pentru aceasta a cooptat artisti precum Aerosmith, Mariah Carey,N'Sync,Anastacia, James Brown, si altii si impreuna au cantatat si What More Can I Give.

How many people will have to die before we will take a stand
How many children will have to cry, before we do all we can
If sending your love is all you can give
To help one live, mmm

How many times can we turn our heads
And pretend we cannot see
Healing the wounds of our broken earth
We are one global family
Just sending your prayers
Is something you feel
Helping one heal
What have I got that I can give
(What have I got that I can give, tell me)
What have I got that I can give, yeah, oh
To love and to teach you
To hold and to need you
What more can I give (what more can I give, yeah)

brother to brother, lay down our fears and reach out and make a pact
Show him the love that is in our hearts, let us bring salvation back
Just sending your love has the power to heal
So let's all give

What have I got that I can give
(It's not a lot to give, just a little bit)
What have I got that I can give
(Everyone should be a part of it)
To love and to teach you
To hold and to need you
What more can I give

Say the words, I'll lay 'em down for you
Just call my name, I am your friend
See then why do they keep teaching us
Such hate and cruelty
We should give over and over again

What have I got that I can give
(We should give over and over again)
What have I got that I can give
(Oh my God, oh my God)
See, to love and to teach you
To hold and to need you
What more can I give

What have I got that I can give (aah)
What have I got that I can give
(Give to you, give to you)
See, to love and to teach you
To hold and to need you
What more can I give (Oooh)


What have I got that I can give
(Give to you, we're gonna give to you)
What have I got that I can give
To hold and conceal you
To love and to heal you
What more can I give

What have I got that I can give
(What have I got)
(Send them your prayers)
What have I got that I can give
(Show the world how much you really care)
(To love you)
To love and to teach you
(To hold you, to need you)To hold and to need you
What more can I give

What have I got that I can give...

7 comentarii:

ro spunea...

I really love this song, and MJ more !~!!!

~annie~ spunea...

si eu ador aceasta melodie ca toate melodiile sale...ce rasuna "LOVE UUUUUU"....I love u more,my angel.God bless u, ro,superb blogul tau,nu ai idee cat de bine ne face,cel putin mie,in fiecare seara imi i-au "portia" de michael jackson de aici

Ro spunea...

ma bucur sa aud asta Annie, esti binevenita oricand...

wha.. spunea...

eu mai umblu si noaptea...buhuhuhuhu...sper sa nu va trezesc..I LOVE YOU MICHEAL..YOU ARE MY BEST FRIEND EVER..god bless you ro!!

~annie~ spunea...

multumesc ro :)...sa ai o zi cat mai frumoasa.God bless u :]

Ro spunea...

thanks Annie, you too the same...

Carmen spunea...

Dragii mei, as fi aici tot timpul, daca as putea. Ro, peste tot simpt adierea sufletului tau gingas.Ferice de familia ta ! God bless you forever !
Michael al nostru ne-a strans laolalta. Nu cred sa mai aflam in viata noastra pe cineva asemenea lui.Recent au prezentata la Antena 1-stiri-un baietel care canta la pian si voce, cam de 7 ani, cred eu, despre care s-a spus ca se spera sa ajunga cel putin ca Michael Jackson. Nu s-au gandit ca Michael facea totusi altceva:dansa, canta, compunea figuri de dans si cantece (primul stiut de noi a fost Ben ). Baietelul acesta este f dezinvolt, este adevarat, si foarte simpatic si cred ca va ajunge o figura importanta a muzicii de jazz mai degraba, decat ceva asemanator lui Michael. Apoi, nu are nici pe departe frumusetea lui Michael. Va fi orice altceva in divertisment, dar nu ca Michael ! Michael Jackson a fost, este si va fi unicul prin ceea ce a realizat.