We're innocently standing by, watching people lose their lives, It seems as if we had no voice, It's time for us to make a choice, Only god could decide, Who will live and who will die,....is my brother...oh no....Just let god decide......Why did you do it ?...oh,no,no,no...

We've had enough, MJ

luni, 4 ianuarie 2010


"Another day"

Viata m-a dus, dincolo de planete si stele,
Si tu esti singura care ma putea aduce inapoi
de atat de departe,
Mereu voi cauta iubirea ta...

Am mers departe dar era gresit
(Nu pot astepta o alta zi )
Tu esti cea care ma face puternic,
(Nu pot astepta o alta zi ),
Tu esti focul care ma incalzeste,
(Nu pot astepta o alta zi ),
Cum am sa trec prin furtuna aceasta?
(Nu pot astepta o alta zi,
fara dragostea ta )
Haide acum...

Si noaptea inainte sa adorm, ma rog,
cu speranta sa te gasesc,
Mi-am deschis larg inima,
Pentru ca vreau sa vii in ea,
Mereu voi cauta dragostea ta....

My life has taken me beyond the planets and the stars
And you’re the only one that could take me this far
I’ll be forever searching for your love


I walked away but I was wrong
(I can't make it another day)
You’re the one that keeps me strong
(I can't make it another day)
You’re the fire that keeps me warm
(I can't make it another day)
How did I get through this storm?
(I can't make it another day without your love)

(Come on now!)

At night, I pray before I sleep in hope of finding you
(finding you)
I've opened up my heart to let you to come through
I'll be forever searching for your love

I walked away but I was wrong
(I can't make it another day)
You’re the one that keeps me strong
(I can't make it another day)
You’re the fire that keeps me warm
(I can't make it another day)
How did I get through this storm?
(I can't make it another day without your love)

(Come on now!) (Hoohoo Hoohoo)
(Come on now!) (Hoohoo)

I walked away but I was wrong
(I can't make it another day)
You’re the one that keeps me strong
(I can't make it another day)
You’re the fire that keeps me warm
(I can't make it another day)
How did I get through this storm?
(I can't make it another day without your love) x 2

(Hoohoo)x 4

3 comentarii:

Anonim spunea...

Este superb Michael ! Multumesc Ro. Iar versurile de mai sus, ca si toate celelalte ale lui Michael, ne dezvaluie personalitatea sa de poet, dansator, cantaret umanist, genialitatea sa, pentru care va fi iubit din ce in ce mai mult de catre oameni.Cu recunostinta, Carmen si a sa Puffy

ro spunea...

Michael este divin, nu-i asa , Carmen ? Acum mai mult ca oricand....

Anonim spunea...

Da,Ro, la fel ca si tine, il simt undeva deasupra noastra zambind multumit ca am incercat sa-l intelegem.Cateodata parca imi sta alaturi...